
Once a month we offer you the only opportunity to see the Sunset followed by the rise of the full moon. It is an exclusive service that we offer once Artestruz is closed to the general public.

At the Full Moon Rise & Sunset Session, you can share the space with other people who come to enjoy a spectacular sunset with ostrichs followed by moonrise. If you wish to rent the farm for completely exclusive use, contact us.

The schedule is adapted to the time of sunset on the day of the event (check what time the sun sets).

Arrival and welcome (10 minutes): Visitors are welcomed and given a brief introduction.
Feed the Ostriches (15 minutes): Opportunity to feed the ostriches and observe their behavior.
Question and Answer Session (30 minutes): An expert guide will answer all questions about ostriches and their habitat.
Free time (25 minutes): Participants can walk around, interact with the ostriches and take photos.
Sunset moment with aperitif (30 minutes): Enjoy the sunset with a drink or ice cream of your choice included in the price.
Free time until moonrise: Wait and enjoy the atmosphere as you prepare for moonrise.
Farewell (20 minutes after moonrise): Completion of the event after moonrise.

Once your purchase is made, we will contact you to determine the date and time of your Full Moon Rise & Sunset Session experience.

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